Robert Gosnell has been a screenwriter for more than thirty years, with scripts produced in network television, syndicated television, basic and pay cable and theatrical and independent films.
"The Blue Collar Screenwriter" recounts the lessons Robert has learned and hurdles he encountered on his journey
from blue-collar worker to Hollywood screenwriter, while exploding some of the myths and misinformation surrounding
the screenwriting profession.
Part Two, "The Elements of Screenplay" presents detailed information on screenwriting form and format, covering every aspect of the process, from the idea, through the execution to the marketing.
A guide for aspiring and existing screenwriters, "The Elements of Screenplay" will also appeal to film buffs who might be curious about how their favorite movie began its evolution to the screen.
Do you have that screenwriting "bug" burrowed deep within your brain, struggling to get out?
This book is for you!
"The Blue Collar Screenwriter and The Elements of Screenplay" is available in paperback and Kindle formats at Amazon, and digital formats at Barnes & Noble and Smashwords.

"In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice, but in practice, there is." Jan L.A. Van de Snepscheut